The Parish Council consists of up to 11 councillors and a clerk. The councillors can be elected every four years if there are more candidates than posts. In recent years Yoxford Parish Council has had fewer candidates than councillor posts so no elections have been necessary. Between elections the Parish Councillors can co-opt new councillors to fill any vacancies that become available, so, if you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor please contact the clerk. There may already be a vacancy or one may come available soon. Please don’t wait until election time to make your interest known.

Parish Councils are the lowest level of local government and manage a relatively small budget (in the order of £13,000 per annum for Yoxford). Although the Parish Council does not have much financial clout, it does have influence on the District and County Councils and other organisations as the representatives of Yoxford. In recent times the Parish Council has represented the village by making responses to EDF, Scottish Power and the Planning Inspector regarding Sizewell C and other energy projects, and to the District and County Councils regarding things such as the Local Plan, individual planning applications (Yoxford PC is a statutory consultee on applications in the parish), the Yoxford conservation area, a walking and cycling strategy and many others.

The Parish Council has recently become the trustee of the village hall. Previously, several volunteers from the village had been trustees as well as volunteers helping to run the village hall. However, being a trustee involves legal liabilities that were difficult for individuals to take on. We hope that, by the Parish Council taking on the trusteeship, this will free volunteers to provide their valuable help without being concerned about their legal liabilities. The village hall is now run mainly by the Friends of Yoxford Village Hall with support from the Parish Council.

Parish Council meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month starting at 7pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend and make representations or just observe. Meetings are currently in person at the village hall. If future Covid restrictions prevent face to face meetings, we will recommence virtual meetings by Zoom. Members of the public are still welcome to attend virtual meetings. Access details will be in the meeting agenda. It would also be worth letting the clerk know if you want to attend a virtual meeting so we look out for you trying to join.